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Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Daily Headdesk

Hilary Rosen, a Democratic political strategist, created a mini-firestorm when she commented that Ann Romney, wife of presumptive Republican nominee Mitt, had never worked a day in her life.  Mrs. Romney pointed out that, as a mother of five, she had done more than her fair share of work, and Republican operatives wasted no time in portraying Ms. Rosen--and by extension Democrats in general and the Obama administration in particular--as enemies of stay-at-home moms in particular and women in general.


First, it should be noted that Hilary Rosen does not work for the Obama campaign.  Furthermore, while no one should denigrate mothers' work, everyone knows that Hilary Rosen (a mother herself, by the way) was not doing that.  Sure, she probably should have said--and no doubt wishes she HAD said--that Ann Romney has never had to work a day in her life to support her family.  But everyone, including indignant Republican ops who are shocked--shocked!--by Comrade Rosen's blatant hostility towards motherhood and all things American, knows that is precisely what she meant.

Moreover, they know it's true, which is why nobody is engaging her on the merits of her statement.

The truly goat-getting part of all this was Ann Romney's response.
Mrs. Romney had responded. . .to Ms. Rosen, saying that "my career choice was to be a mother” and adding that people need to “respect choices that women make.” Pushing back against the comment, she added: “She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble. It wasn’t so easy.” . . . Mrs. Romney insisted that “I know what it’s like to struggle.” “Maybe I haven’t struggled as much financially as some people have,” she said. “I can tell you and promise you that I’ve had struggles in my life.”
As disingenuous as the other responses to Rosen's comments are, this one raises things to the proverbial whole 'nother level.

Look, Ann, no one is saying that you--and, for that matter, ALL parents--and, for that matter, all PEOPLE--don't struggle. But that minor qualification about not having to struggle financially WAS THE WHOLE POINT!  Every mother faces the exact same maternal struggles you did, but 99.9% of them didn't have the financial resources you did to help them deal with those struggles. I could, of course, be wrong, but I'll wager--let's say 1% of my net worth vs. 1% of your husband's--that you had a nanny or two to assist you with those five kids.

Whaddya say? Wanna bet?

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