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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Inconvenient Forgetting

We had a truly brilliant idea for a blog post today. Phenomenal. An idea that would put us in "Blogs of Note"--at least! We'd probably be bought out by The Huffington Post or something--if only to keep us from competing with them. That's how good this idea was. Unfortunately, since we had this idea, we've completely forgotten what it was. So you're going to have to use your imagination, Sloppists; think of the most amazing, original, intriguing, and profitable idea you can. Send it to us via private e-mail. It's unlikely to be as great as our idea was, but we will make sure to put it to good use. Thank you for your support.


  1. It's amazing how you can squeeze so much out of so little and still entertain me.

  2. Oh, no you don't! I don't fall for that again! She said: "Got any ideas for a story?" And I said: "What about this weird kid who does magic?" And she said: "No Thanks!"... "NO THANKS!!" Damn you, Joanie Rowling!!!!!!
