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Sunday, June 13, 2010

You Are What You Eat? (A Brief Post)

While in NYC last week, we dined with FOS, WOFOS, and SOFOS. A lovely time was had by all, but that's not the point. During dinner (well, actually, AFTER dinner, thankfully), WOFOS mentioned "Modern Toilet Restaurant" in Taiwan. She suggested we blog about it.

Frankly, we have nothing to add. Bon appetit, Sloppists!


  1. It's been around FOREVER! Perhaps you know it better under its old name: Loo Chow!

  2. Me thinks some comments bear a ripe resemblence to the Teacher?

  3. @Dianne: Not sure whether you're referring to the top comment. "Anonymous" is not a teacher--he's DOS.

  4. And yet, you learn so much from Digital Operating System.
