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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Odds to No Particular End

Not much to discuss today, folks. We're back in school, teaching our summer crew. Summer's always an interesting mixed bag: You've got your overachievers trying to barrel through their requirements as fast as possible, but you also get--at least at a community college--a sizable portion of high school and even junior high school students. We're not sure what they're doing here. You know, we're flattered that these kids (or, let's face it, their parents) think that surrendering their summer to the Solipsist will be an enriching experience. But lord knows we wouldn't choose to spend the summer with us if we had a choice.

Also, we'd like to give a recommendation to "The Good Guys," Fox's summer replacement for "House" (we think). WOS convinced us to watch it last night, and we're glad she did. It stars Bradley Whitford (from "The West Wing") and Colin Hanks (from Tom Hanks' testicles) (Sorry) as two detectives in Dallas. Hanks is the straightman to Whitford, who plays his boozy, lecherous, and slovenly partner--who nevertheless has an incorruptible sense of mission: "I'll take a day off when the bad guys take a day off," he croaks through a flu-ridden haze in last night's episode. It's a well-written cop dramedy (more "amedy" than "dram"). Check it out.


  1. Technically, "Lie To Me" is the "House" summer replacement, but I agree with you about TGG. By the way, if you think Hugh Laurie does a good job mimicking an American accent, how about what Tim Roth can do sounding like the Geico Ghekko?

  2. Link keeps saying there's no comment. I don't know if it's a glitch or an editorial. So I'll comment some more

  3. Really?
    I'm a big "House" fan....."Lie to Me".....can't understand why they cancelled "Prison Break" or "FlashForward" and am adicted to "Fringe" and will miss JB in "24"....FYI: I also addicted to "Hill Street Blues" and "X Files"......TTIOT
