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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Solipsist Does It Again!

Longtime Sloppists will recall that, awhile back, as a sort of sop to his most devoted acolytes, YNSHC devoted roughly a week's worth of posts to the topics of "Star Trek" and cereal.  Well,  check this out:

Now, obviously, the powers-that-be have been reading us, and they have wisely concluded that the key to market--if not world--domination is to cater to our needs and desires.  So, rejoice Sloppists!  Those of you fanatically devoted to "Star Trek" can now eat part of a complete breakfast!  And those of you fanatically devoted to cereal can. . . well. . . you can keep eating cereal!  And it'll have marshmallows that look like Starfleet insignia!  Extra-yummy!

You're welcome!

Oh, by the way, happy Earth Day!  And/or happy Administrative Professionals' (formerly Secretaries) Day!  Yes, they're BOTH today!  Bad planning, we think.  How is one supposed to juggle all one's social obligations?

1 comment:

  1. So, does it make you a TOTAL geek to eat Star Trek cereal and watch old re-runs of Voyager..or perhaps more appropriately, TOS? You KNOW I'll be doing it... :-)
