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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Your Next Mission (whether you choose to accept it or not)

Today, the Solipsist had a high-powered meeting at the corporate headquarters of the second best blog on the 'net, Questions, Comments, Complaints.  Impressive digs.  Reminiscent of the corporate headquarters of Merrill Lynch (Merrill Lynch TODAY, that is).  Very homey, though.  YNSHC met with the entire staff of QCC--CEO, CFO, COO, President Emerita, and the two interns.  In an effort to keep you all informed, the Solipsist and Emi Ha discussed ways to increase the reach and relevance of our respective outlets.

All of which brings YNSHC to today's thought-provoking question:

Whom does one have to kill or fuck to get named a "Blog of Note"?  Because the Solipsist is willing to do either.  Or both.  If necessary to the same person and in no particular order.  This has now become the primary mission of all Sloppists (whether you knew it or not):  Get us listed on "Blogs of Note."

Because we desperately need more "followers."  Well, not so much, "We"--YOU need for us to have more followers.  Until we get some, you four are just an oddball crew.  If we increase in size, however, you all become CHARTER followers, trailblazers--dare we say, apostles.  (We do!  We do dare!)  You'll be Johns to our Jesus, Nehrus to our Gandhi, Squeaky Frommes to our Charles Manson, Goebbelseses to our Hitler--it doesn't matter; the point is, you will be getting in on the ground floor of a movement!

And when the Solipsist has attained his rightful place as world leader and/or late-night talk-show host, he will not forget the little people who stood by him as he began his ascent.

You're welcome.

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