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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Brief Post, in Which We Express an Utter Lack of Sympathy for Worldly Deities

Today, back to back, the local classic rock station played Jackson Browne's "The Load Out" ("Oh, won't you sta-a-ay / Just a little bit longer?") followed by Bob Seger's "Turn the Page." We hereby officially declare that we cannot muster any sympathy for rock stars who lament life on the road. Sure, it must be rough, being adored night after night by thousands of screaming fans, making scads of money and having wild sex with as many women/men/goats as you like. We can't comprehend why they continue to subject themselves to it--well, except for the screaming fans, scads of money and wild sex. . . .

Talk about solipsists!


  1. I agree. It really is tiresome to hear famous people complaining about being famous. Uh, hello, did you ever hear of an education degree? Art History major?

  2. It gets lonely being on the road, day after day, being in a different city everyday, a different hotel room every night. You don't even know what city you're in. There's hardly any real attachment in a life like that, nothing personal for the soul. Have a little empathy! A home cooked meal in somebody's dining room probably sounds really inviting.
