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Sunday, April 4, 2010


In honor of Easter, we have resurrected our old format--or something pretty close. We also thought we'd share one of our favorite jokes:

Old Man Rabinowitz owned a hardware store. As he was getting on in years (what? You think his parents named him "Old Man"?), he realized it would soon be time to pass the business on to his son. He decided to give the young man a trial run.

"All right, Boychik," he said. "I'm going to take a little vacation. I'm going down to Florida for a couple weeks. You do whatever you think is best for the store while I'm gone."

"You got it, Pop."

So Old Man Rabinowitz went off to Florida. Two weeks later, he came back. On the way home from the airport, riding in the back of a taxicab, he saw a billboard. On the billboard, twenty-feet high, was a picture of Jesus Christ on the cross. At the bottom, in huge letters, the sign read, "THEY USED RABINOWITZ NAILS!"

Well, you can imagine the old man's reaction. He nearly had a heart attack in the cab. He told the driver to take him to the hardware store immediately. He found his son and grabbed him by his collar. "What are you thinking?!?" he screamed. "You're going to get us closed down. Ha! Closed down if we're lucky! You're going to get us killed! You can't say 'They used Rabinowitz nails'! Are you some kind of idiot?!?"

"I'm sorry, Pop. I just figured, y'know, with Easter and all, that it would be a good promotion."

Old Man Rabinowitz looked heavenward. "'A good promotion,' he says. My son is a moron!" He took a moment. "OK, look. I don't know what to say. You're obviously not ready to take over for me."

"Pop, please! Give me another chance!"

Old Man Rabinowitz thought. "Ach! I'm so upset right now. . . . All right, look. One more chance. I'm going to go visit your Uncle Shmuel in Chicago for a couple of weeks. When I come back, we'll talk. And what's the first thing you're going to do?"

"I know, Pop, I know. The sign is coming down."

So Old Man Rabinowitz went to Chicago. Two weeks later, he came back. In the backseat of the cab, he nervously looked out the window. As the billboard rose into view, he gasped. He saw a cross with a crumpled body at the foot of it. In big letters at the bottom, he read:


1 comment:

  1. Lolol...good one!
    I also wanted to make a comment on your background for the blog. I do like what you have it on today. The droplets of water were just too busy for me, maybe too nice? It doesn't really matter. I'll read it anyway. =-)
