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Friday, December 31, 2010

From the Get a Life Files

We know we've discussed Facebook's "Family Feud" application, and we don't mean to start a trend or anything, but this morning we were playing ACOS's "Fast Money" round, and we got the question: "Name something you would dress up your iPod as for Halloween."

Has it come to this? Do people actually "dress up" their iPods? People who dress up their pets are pathetic enough.

But dressing up your iPod? What does that even mean?!?

Frankly, we had no idea. We typed in "pumpkin," which seemed reasonable enough, but found out that "pumpkin" was "already answered." Seems great minds and cousins think alike. Well, OK, we tried "skeleton." When the answers were revealed, we saw that ACOS's answer (pumpkin) received 0 points. So did "skeleton." The number one answer? "Ghost."

A napkin with eyeholes cut in it, maybe?

We hereby resolve in 2011 never to dress up our iPods. We do, however, think our cell phone would look adorable as Strawberry Shortcake.


  1. The No. 1 answer, if anybody thought about it, which, if they're dressing up their iPods for Halloween, they didn't/couldn't, is a Walkman.
    Happy gnus ears. (Why do we celebrate that, anyway?)
