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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pep Talk

To be addressed to students before they take a major exam:

"As you write your essays, we would remind you of this: Philosophers have speculated that, if an infinite number of monkeys are seated at an infinite number of typewriters, then, given enough time, one of them will 'accidentally' write Hamlet.  So, y'know, you've got to figure that you've all got at least a shot at passing this test.  Unless of course you don't think you can write better than some random monkey.  You have two hours.  Go."

1 comment:

  1. A: As Dan Brown has shown, it is possible to be successful if you CAN'T write better than a monkey
    B: The concept is not philosophical, but scientific (hint: Statistics)
    C: It WAS, however, first uttered by Socrates. Which is REEEEALLLY spooky!
