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Friday, April 20, 2012

Twenty Questions Medical Style

Yesterday, I saw a commercial for a medication.  I don't remember exactly what the product was--doesn't really matter--but I was struck by the disclaimer.  The announcer advised people to tell their doctors about all medications they were currently taking, "even medications for migraines."

Leaving aside for a moment the question of why someone would have to tell their doctors about all medications they are taking when it is presumably their doctors who have prescribed said medications, I was struck by that "even," suggesting, as it does, that people would be somehow disinclined to reveal migraine medications to their doctors.  I never suspected migraine meds were so scandalous.  For that matter, why would I want to hide any medication from my doctor?

"OK, Solipsist, so I see the medications you're currently taking. . . Any others?"

"Ooooh," I reply, a sly grin on my face and a twinkle in my eye, "Maaay-be."

. . .


"Well, I'll give you a hint.  It comes in caplet form, and possible side effects include sore joints and hip dysplasia."

"Is it. . . Zantac?"



"No.  Strike two!"

"OK. . . OK. . . Can I get another hint?"

"Hmm. .  .All right.  The FDA is conducting an investigation of this drug's potentially fatal interactions with gelatin."

"Oh!  Klavertrazine!"

"Oh, no, doctor!  I'm sorry.  We were looking for 'danprazadol.'  Danprazadol."

"Damn!  I knew that one!"

"Well, better luck next time."

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