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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Grease and Magic

Of course, now that I'm about to move, a "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" has opened up not far from my (current) residence.  Fortunately, the franchise is located along the road between my workplace and my future residence, so all is still semi-right with the world.  The burgers are disturbingly tasty for a fast-food joint.  What I like about the chain is the quirky fact that it offers free peanuts to nosh on while you wait; so, y'know, if your inevitable coronary doesn't kill you, your allergies will.

Here's the thing, though: The peanuts are still in their shells, right?  But they're salted!  How the hell do they do that?  What sort of Monsanto-worthy genetic manipulation is this?  If science has advanced to the point where we can grow salted peanuts, can a cure for cancer be far behind?

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