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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Basic Economics

A lot of Republican-led states are phasing out extra unemployment benefits that have been offered during the pandemic. They claim that extra benefits dissuade people from rejoining the workforce because why work when the government gives you free money?

There’s a certain logic to that. But since the extra unemployment benefits are around $300 a week, that works out to a little over $7/hr for a 40 hour workweek. Which is to say that, people who are “turning down” work because unemployment pays better must be getting job offers that pay less than $7/hr. So, perhaps the solution would be for employers to pay a living wage?

Of course, increased unemployment benefits are not the only factor keeping people out of the workforce. There are also things like fears of illness and the lack of childcare options, but Republicans don’t want to acknowledge those. Acknowledging those things might necessitate their thinking about actually doing something to help people. And lord knows helping people is not what Republicans got into politics for!

What they did get into politics for remains anyone’s guess.


Amazon update: $5.06. You’re SO close, Bezos!

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