Talk quietly amongst yourselves.
It looks promising. On Google images, we found Darth Vader Potato Heads (Darth Tater), R2-D2 Potato Heads, Cowboy Potato Heads, Ninja Potato Heads, Ghost Potato Heads, KISS Potato Heads, Houston Astros Potato Heads, Arizona Diamondbacks Potato Heads, Transformer Potato Heads (seems a bit redundant, that), Pirate Potato Heads, Santa Potato Heads, Princess Leia Potato Heads (presumably MRS. Potato Head, unless there's something we don't know about Mr. P.), Clown Pumpkin Potato Heads ("Clown Pumpkin Potato Heads"???), Indiana Jones Potato Heads (Taters of the Lost Ark--maybe the whip is a little kinky), Detroit Red Wings Potato Heads, Spiderman Potato Heads, Pretty Much Any Baseball, Hockey, Basketball or Football Team Potato Heads, Fisherman Potato Heads, Bunny Rabbit Potato Heads, etc., etc., etc.
But nary a dirty spud in the bunch.
Manufacturing the things should be easy enough. Presumably, it would only involve the addition of another slot. Or two. Three at most. We could sell them on eBay and Facebook and Myspace--anywhere that fine humor-themed erotica can be found! Think about the gift possibilities. What do you get for the Trekkie who has everything? How about a freakishly well-endowed Spock Potato Head?
The Solipsist hereby trademarks the idea of Adult-Themed Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads. Any Sloppists who want to take the idea and run with it are welcome; the home-office will settle for 40% of the proceeds.
(Image from www.socko.com)
Astounding that no one has run with this already.