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Thursday, December 24, 2009

In Which We Alienate a Friend of a Friend

"The people who are guilty of treason are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Charles Schumer and the rest of the thugs that are currently in power. They are the ones who have no regard for the Constitution. George Bush was and is a patriot. Obama is not fit to tie his shoes."

The rantings of a redneck survivalist hiding out somewhere in the Appalachians? Afraid not. The above is a direct quote from a Facebook "wall post" of a friend of FOS (and acquaintance of YNSHC). The truly disappointing--and scary--fact is that said FOFOS is an educated man--a LAWYER, no less!

We could dismiss his rantings as unworthy of response, but that would be a copout. So:

"They are the ones who have no regard for the Constitution." As this is a recent post, we assume FOFOS is referring to the Senate passage of the health-care reform bill. We are unsure how the passage of major legislation by duly elected representatives after months of debate (during which almost the entirety of the "loyal" opposition saw fit to offer nothing but contemptuous lip service to the idea of bipartisan compromise) is a sign of disregard for the Constitution. Considering the fact that the main Republican objection to healthcare reform centered on the "public option"--OPTION, mind you, not "requirement"--and that said public option is absent from the final legislation (thank you, Joe Lieberman for proving that Jews can be as obtuse as anybody else, in case any of you were worrying about our plans for world domination)--considering all this, we fail to see exactly what these right-wing bomb throwers are so incensed about.

"George Bush was and is a patriot." If by "patriot," you mean one who "loves his country," maybe: We have no idea what is in George Bush's heart and would almost like to think his actions the result of a misguided, empty-headed, but well-intentioned wish to do what is right for the country. That would mean we didn't spend the first eight years of the 21st century under the leadership of a fanatical warmonger and his plainly evil cabal. We doubt that, though.

As long as we're discussing extra-constitutionality, we might--might--offer in evidence of Bush's own misdeeds a multi-trillion dollar war launched under false pretenses. And if FOFOS is still under the impression that Saddam had WMD or anything to do with 9/11, then we implore his clients to seek counsel from someone who reads the papers.

We also wonder how FOFOS feels about President Obama's recent decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. That should at least offer some comfort to the militaristic wing of the country. Or is it only constitutional for a president to attack countries that never attacked us?

We close by assuring FOFOS that, if he is right, and Obama and his cronies have violated the Constitution, it is only a matter of time before the various pieces of legislation come before the Supreme Court, which, despite Obama's successful machinations to slip a subversive female onto the bench (Sotomayor. . . doesn't exactly sound 'murrican to us!), still finds itself under the sway of the Roberts-Scalia-Thomas-Alito gang. Perhaps FOFOS can argue the case.

Ah, now we're in the Christmas spirit!


  1. There are two types of right wing idiots: The stupid (the vast majority) who are being manipulated for their blind adherence (recognised by such phrases as: "Keep government away from my Medicare"), who are, and I mean this in the most complimentary way possible, cannon fodder, and the wealthy pigs who profit from this "philosophy" and don't much care who or what happens because of it after they're gone. (You just may have some relatives in that second group). When dealing with them, remember the quote (I used to know who said this-I think it may have been Upton Sinclair- but I'm too lazy to look it up: "It is impossible to get someone to understand a thing when his livelihood depends on his NOT understanding it!" Oh, and a Merry Happy to you, too!

  2. At least it was a FOFOS instead of a FOS.
