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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Grammatically Correct Sentences Transmitted Over the Internet (A Brief Post)

Have you seen the recent TV ads for CVS? The spots for the pharmacy chain feature a mother and (grown) daughter bantering about how CVS makes a point of filling prescriptions by the time they promise to fill them!

Has it really come to this? Have our expectations diminished to the point where we are meant to be impressed by the fact that a corporation does what it says it is going to do?

Imagine the ad campaigns to come:

--Toyota cars provide you with a means of getting from one place to another!

--Continental Airlines: We generally don't crash!

--Lysol Room Freshener conceals the smells you leave behind in the bathroom!


Actually, it might be refreshing: "McDonald's: We're not good for you, but we're fast and cheap."

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I'd honestly like to see these and other companies be honest, much, much more so than they are now. I mean they just leave it to US to do the hard work and figure out what's really going on with them anyway, while we probably have enough issues to deal with as it is, do we want to deal with this crap, I think not, so we pretend we don't see it and buy into their line anyway... What's THAT about???
