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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Born in the USA

Birther (n.) - One who believes that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, which would presumably negate the constitutional validity of his election; see also, 'sore loser'; see also 'wingnut.'

One of our Facebook friends posted something that she had found on the page of one of her Facebook friends. This friend of the friend had downloaded something from the minutes of a Kenyan parliament meeting, wherein the Minister of Lands had supposedly made the following comment:

"If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, HOW COULD A YOUNG MAN BORN HERE IN KENYA, WHO IS NOT EVEN A NATIVE AMERICAN, BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA?"

(CAPITALS added)

We say "supposedly" because apparently the minutes were subsequently "scrubbed" to remove the offending statement,one which, if true, would confirm the fears of the birthers who doubt that President Obama was born in the United States.

Following this? A Kenyan Minister made a somewhat inflamatory statement, but the existence of this statement cannnot be verified because the statement no longer officially exists. Convenient. We would like to mention that this same Minister also said Sarah Palin is a psychotic xenophobe whose narcissism makes Muhammad Ali look like a shrinking violet. Seriously! That got scrubbed, too.

Look, we get it. These guys don't like Obama. Fine. They want to trash his policies? Fine.

(DIGRESSION: Although we would like to know exactly how anybody has so far been harmed by the President's policies. All we ever hear about is how things are going to be disastrous, how Obama is going to ruin America. . . Where were all these people when W was squandering a $400 billion surplus and getting the country into an immoral and probably illegal war? So much for the virtue of the native-born American. EOD)

So scream about his politics and policies all you want, but deal with this fact: Obama was born in Hawaii. He has shown his birth certificate. He was duly elected by a fairly sizable majority of the polutlation--a helluva lot more "duly" than George W (see Florida 2000, Jews for Buchanan, Bush v. Gore, etc.).

As for that Minister's statement, let's assume he DID say it. So what? Why should we take his remarks as gospel? Maybe he is mistaken. Maybe he was just confused by the remarks of the lunatic fringe who keep insisting that Obama is NOT an American. This is what's called a tautology, folks: Birthers scream that Obama was born in Kenya, and as proof of this fact, they cite someone who, for all we know, was just listening to what they said.

(Digression: If McCain had been elected President, would these same people be complaining about the fact that he was born in Panama? He was you know.

(See what we just did there? We introduced a piece of specious misinformation. Yes, before you jump down our throats, we know McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was under US Government jurisdiction. Still, it makes you wonder, doesn't it?Can't we find ANYONE born in this country to run it? EOD)

Bottom line: Obama is American. Kenyans would love to claim him--who wouldn't want to claim a brilliant, sophisticated, charming fellow like him as a compatriot. But he's American. He's the President. Accept it.


  1. I liked Bill Clinton's Presidency. I did not like George W. Bush's Presidency. I do not like Barack Obama's Presidency. I voted for Barack Obama. Originally, I backed Hillary Clinton. I felt Barack Obama, though charismatic and seemingly smart, was too much of an unknown, untested in the public eye and I did not know or have any kind of a good guess what he would do once in office. I did not know if he had an "agenda" other than what he was saying to the American people. "Change we can believe in". WHAT does that MEAN?? Barack Obama rarely was specific.

    Well, what's happened so far? Tim Geithner is Secretary of the Treasury, a former Federal Reserve high-ranking employee and part of the banking mess that came to light in Sept/Oct of 2008. We have doled out billions of taxpayer bailout money to corporations and financial institutions who in turn have continued paying large executive bonuses and extraneous spending. The Federal Government is bankrupt, whether it's declared or not. President Obama continues to spend like there is no tomorrow. A few months ago the US reached its maximum borrowing limit of 12.1 trillion dollars. Instead of cutting back, the borrowing limit was increased. This borrowed money comes with a price tag of having to pay back the interest. A good portion of your tax dollars goes to pay interest on debt. (I will continue in the next post.)

  2. I know that you recall my concerns about the healthcare legislation that was passed. Medicare was cut and healthcare now costs seniors MORE MONEY not less for healthcare, people who are on a fixed income with no future earning potential, limited resources and mounting bills. Also, the rising cost of healthcare was not addressed in the healthcare bill, and government, instead of telling the private sector what do in terms of healthcare provider guidelines and regulating it, is moving to take over the administration of healthcare for which government is notably unsuited. Our Federal government is TOO BIG to be effective, too big to manage the project. Yet, President Obama continues to increase the Federal government. At the same time, President Obama has done little to stimulate the private sector. President Obama has added over 24,000 new IRS agents. Now, the possibility of increased Federal taxes over and above income tax is being floated in the form of an additional VAT tax. President Obama has quietly given away some of the rights to jurisdiction over the internet to other countries. We seem to be on the road to internet censorship. The horrible Patriot Act has a sister act, I heard, where American citizens can be detained indefinitely without trial. You know, our security intelligence is pretty good. Our shared intelligence with our allies, Britain and Israel, is pretty good. I have believed for some time that the hoopla of putting an official burden on the individual over national security is unnecessary and is a red herring. We are losing our individual freedoms.

    America used to be a place where people aspired to be. It was better than other countries. As we move toward globalization, we are losing this distinction. I don't want America to be like other countries. I don't want an increased National Guard at home. I don't want to continue to bail out industry and financial institutions. ( I will continue in the next and final post for today.)

  3. The National Guard has been avidly recruiting. Fox News says of the 2700 pages in the healthcare document that nobody has read, including those in Congress who were pressured into voting for it, that there are 5 pages devoted to what amounts to authorization of impressed servitude of private citizen medical personnel to be activated by Presidential command without the further approval of Congress and that the healthcare bill also expands the Presidential power to call up and command the National Guard during peacetime. If this is true, Why? I believe Obama's policies are pushing some of the citizenry toward rebellion. This is unnecessary, dangerous. Why would any leader do that? The threats to the US stability and security and well being are not coming from its citizenry. There seems to be a Presidential agenda to needlessly take the country in an unwanted direction that will cause insurrection. That makes me wonder what the real agenda for Obama's policies is and WHO is behind them. Something feels rotten in the state of Denmark.

    Congressmen are pressured into voting for legislation without sufficient knowledge and debate. Where is the promised transparency and bi-partisanship that was promised?

    We are losing "Advise and Consent".

    I have just mentioned, I think, more than 5 ways (hard to tell in this format, hard to see what I've written thus far) that President Obama has hurt this Nation since he took office.

  4. Citizenship Diluted: Another Reason to Be a Birther

    --Robert Klein Engler

    At the National Prayer Breakfast held recently in the nation's capitol, Mr. Obama is reported to have said, "...you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, for that matter, my citizenship." Obviously, Mr. Obama has the Birthers on his mind.

    What Mr. Obama does not seem to understand is that at the base of all his policies and his actions is the question of his natural born citizenship. Perhaps he does not understand this because over the years the meaning of citizenship has been diluted.

    By forcing us to read the US Constitution again and to know the difference between a citizen and a natural born citizen qualified to be president, the Birthers also force us to see how the wine of citizenship has been polluted by the water of progressivism and Marxism Lite.

    If you want to get rid of the United States of America, what some of our enemies call "the criminality of the American project," then just expand the idea of citizenship to the point where it disappears into the fog of world citizenship.

    If the president of the United States is a citizen of the world first, and a resident of the United States second, a giant step has been taken to make the US Constitution irrelevant.

    The same can be said about expanding the rights given only to US citizens under the Constitution. Giving terrorists Miranda rights is also giving to them citizenship rights which they do not deserve. The irony here is we are granting these terrorists constitutional protection under the very constitution they wish to destroy.

    According to RightsPundit.com, "Michigan congressman Mike Rogers, met recently with military, intelligence, and law-enforcement officials...What he found was deeply troubling. The Obama Justice Department has quietly ordered the FBI to issue Miranda rights to foreign fighters captured on the field of battle."

    Amnesty for illegals also is a way of watering down US citizenship and the right to vote. Think of the 100 year struggle of blacks to get voting rights. They were already citizens, but had to struggle, anyway.

    Under the proposed amnesty bill, all you really have to do now to become a US citizen and be qualified to vote is just walk across the border and not get caught.

    Writing about the issue of amnesty Ross Balano claims, "...Barack Obama today speaking to the National Council of La Raza in San Diego promised amnesty for the more than 12 million illegal immigrants that are living in the United States." How easy it is for a man who may not be a natural born citizen himself, to spread around the wealth and citizenship of others.

    Gone are the days when a naturalized US citizen was required by oath to, "absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen." Leave it to the Birthers to remind us this wine has also become watered down.

    Giving terrorists Miranda rights, extending amnesty to the 12 million who are in the country illegally, and overlooking that Mr. Obama may not be a natural born citizen are all sure ways to abolish the US Constitution and in turn, abolish the nation. If you realize these dangers, then you may be a Birther, too.

  5. It's Sunday, another day, and I just read about Netanyahu's latest refusal to stop Israeli development in East Jerusalem. President Obama continues to pressure Israel to put division of its Capitol on the negotiation table. Splitting Jerusalem is an untenable solution for peace. Bitter enemies sharing a city? Oh come on. Add that to my list of damages. There are more.

  6. Well, having lived in Africa most of my life, I can give you a blanket guarantee that the guy didn't know what he was talking about, and didn't realize that Obama was born in Hawaii. Somebody probably informed him later, and then his comments were scrubbed so that they wouldn't come back to haunt him later. That's the way things are done in Africa.
