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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fingernails II

We've discovered that, if we sit out back behind MOS' apartment building, we get a fairly decent signal from a public network. As we discovered this--literally, as we were connecting to that network--a New York pigeon christened our laptop. We choose to take this as a sign of good fortune. Because if we don't take it that way, then we were just shit on by a bird for no good reason. Stay tuned.


  1. I recommend waving the laptop around to "catch" the Internet waves flying through the air. It's sure to improve your connectivity. Being christened by an NYC pigeon is always a sign of good luck -- it could've hit you head and not your laptop!


  2. All you really need to do is pull up the floor of MOS apartment, and find the series of tubes that the internets are flowing through.

  3. Oh, and tell MOS I said hi.


  4. Rig your Laptop to do this:
