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Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Rules for a Better Life

Here's the thing: You know how you sometimes drive up to an intersection--presumably one with a stop sign as opposed to a traffic signal--and, just as you reach the crosswalk, a pedestrian reaches the corner? Now, technically, you have the right of way, as you reached the intersection first and were ready to proceed at the time the pedestrian showed up. Still, you're in a generous, at-peace-with-the-universe kind of mood, so you give the pedestrian the half-wave, "go 'head" signal. We humbly submit, then, that it becomes incumbent on said pedestrian to walk across the street as briskly as possible.

Of course, allowances must be made for the pedestrian's age and state of relative decrepitude. One would not expect an elderly quadriplegic in one of those breath-operated wheelchairs to coast across the thoroughfare with the same alacrity as a twenty-something, spandex-clad triathlete. At the same time, one would not expect the spandex-clad triathlete to mosey along at the speed of said wheelchair-bound geezer. And should the triathlete move at such speed he or she deserves every venomous glare and impatient horn-blast he or she gets.

We're just sayin'.

(Image from Thecityfix.com)


  1. Just thought you might like to know: In ALL of Canada (yeah, yeah), but also much of the U.S., the law is: The pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way! (Which, by the way, seems to be the rule in TV, as well). It may not be fair, but then again, when I AM a pedestrian, it seems so.

  2. My husband has a few words of wisdom on this subject: A car weighs about 3,000 lbs. 'nough said.(I have that album, BTW)
