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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Your Face, Nothing in Particular! (A Brief Post)

According to a recent poll conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, the people most knowledgeable about the Bible and world religions are atheists/agnostics, followed closely by Jews. As an agnostic Jew (not a contradiction in terms), the Solipsist is unsurprised. Heck, we took the sample quiz attached to the article and scored a perfect six out of six. But why would anyone doubt that atheists would have a greater grasp on the Bible (about which they need to know, if only for rebuttal purposes) and on world religions (about which they would be unblinded by sectarian prejudice) than Holy Rollers of every stripe?

Ignorance isn't only bliss, it's downright Christian.


  1. First: The Holy Rollers are an actual Christian sect, thus of only that one stripe. Second: Why are Jews closely following Agnostics & Atheists? Do they suspect them of something or are they only hoping they'll lead them to a good Chinese restaurant?

  2. The better question, which was asked by a Facebook friend: Why Mormons?
