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Monday, June 27, 2011

Representative Exchange

Today, we administered our midterm. Students must write a well-organized paragraph on a topic provided by the instructor. One option we gave the students was, "Discuss one advantage or one disadvantage of owning a cellphone." Experience has taught us, however, to issue the following caveat:

NOTE: If you choose to write about an advantage, you cannot choose "communication" as a main idea; that's too general.

STUDENT: Mr. Solipsist, I know we can't write about "communication," but can I say, "One advantage of owning a cellphone is to be able to communiCATE with people?

SOL: No, that's the same thing.

STU: Can I say "to talk to people"?

SOL: How is that different from "communicating"?

STU: Oh, OK. . . OH! I know, could I say, "One advantage of owning a cellphone is that it helps you connect with people?

SOL: Well, what does "connect" mean?

STU: You know, connect. . . .like, talk to or. . .or. . .

SOL: Communicate?

STU: Yeah! Oh.

SOL: Yeah. . .

We look forward to grading.

1 comment:

  1. If you seriously think "communicate" is the same as "talk to", consider: You talked to this Bachmann till you were blue in the face. Did you communicate?
