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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Check Your Local Listings

In case further proof were needed that television executives have run out of ideas for filling the broadcast day, we give you "Hillbilly Handfishin'."  Coming soon to Animal Planet, this show stars handfishing (or "noodling") experts Skipper Bivins and Trent Jackson.  On the show, "thrill-thirsty city slickers" go on Oklahoma river expeditions led by Bivins and Jackson, who teach the neophytes the finer points of. . .well, let's just say it, of thrusting their forearms into catfish gullets.

Now, we have no doubt that noodling is a potentially useful skill--although it does raise the question: Who was the first person to decide to try this?  (Probably someone named "Noodle," now that we think about it.)  We wonder, though, why one would feel the need to watch more than one episode.

"Hey, next week's 'Hillbilly Handfishin' looks awesome."

"Oh, yeah?  Why?"

"Well, this person from the city?  Is gonna learn how to catch catfish by hand!"

"Uh, that's exactly what this week's 'Hillbilly Handfishin' was about."

"Yeah, but next week it's gonna be a girl!  And. . .and. . . and she's pretty."

Check your local listings.

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