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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't Ask

Here's today's "sounds-like-an-Onion-headline-but-isn't":

"Marines Hit the Ground Running in Seeking Recruits at Gay Center"

Now that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is history, the Marines wasted no time and set up a recruitment stand at a gay community center in, of all places, Tulsa, Oklahoma.  While all branches of the military were invited, only the Marines took advantage of the opportunity.  According to the Times' reporter, "the Marines appear determined to prove that they will be better than the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard in recruiting gay, lesbian and bisexual service members."

I don't doubt the Marines' sincerity, but do they seriously think they can be gayer than the Coast Guard?  Good luck with that!

(WOS: To any Coast Guard members out there, please, go easy on the Solipsist.  Remember, he has a family of cats to support.)

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