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Friday, March 9, 2012

If That's All There Is, My Friend, Then Let's Keep Friending

About a year ago, when Facebook changed its format, a great wailing arose across the land.  People were outraged.  A meme making its way around the interwebs at the time summed up the general attiude: A man sitting at a computer says, "I am outraged that this free service that I am under no obligation to use has made some changes that mildly inconvenience me!"

That was nothing compared to the outrage that greeted the announcement of the "Timeline" feature.  For the last several months, I have sat by, largely silent, as people have reacted with fear and loathing to the latest affront to all things good by Zuckerberg, et al.  I myself wasn't overly worried, and, indeed, I felt somewhat left out as I saw friend after friend "adopting" Timeline.  I think some people thought I was being a principled holdout--in fact, I was worried that I had done something to offend Mark Zuckerberg.

Well, today, a Facebook friend posted on my wall, "YOU HAVE. . . .TIMELINE!"  Knowing this particular friend, I suspect the intonation behind the all-caps exclamation was not unlike that with which you would question a friend about allegations of date rape or voting Republican.  Frankly, I was surprised.  "I do?"  I replied.

Now, I had, in fact, noted that my "wall" (if that's the correct term) seemed to look somewhat different, but I didn't really pay this much heed: I spend most of my Facebook time lurking on my Newsfeed page.  When I realized that these alterations were, in fact, the much ballyhooed Timeline, I was frankly underwhelmed.  Was THIS what all the fuss had been about?

Any major change that can slip by someone unnoticed for weeks on end does not merit the description "major."  I'm not even sure it merits the word "change."

1 comment:

  1. In re: your closing statement, I have one word:
