, the self-described "definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors,
and misinformation," has blown the whistle on perhaps the biggest internet scam of all. "According to our research," said Snopes spokeswoman Carolyn Fenstermaker, " has provided completely false information on a whole host of topics." Researchers at Snopes have debunked such classic Snopes debunkings as "Girl Kills Herself after Father Posts Something Awful on Facebook Wall" and "Family Member Mugged in London and Desperately Needs Money."
"Yes, that one was totally true," Fenstermaker confirmed. "I feel really bad about all those people's poor relatives stuck in London hospitals with no money. You know they still have debtor's prisons over there?" (NOTE: According to, London does not, in fact, still have debtor's prisons.)
The investigation of Snopes was launched at the request of Nigerian banker Oluwasun Oneofagyebi. "I have an entire vault filled with millions of unclaimed dollars. I'm running out of space!"
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