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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Brief Post, in Which We Take Solipsist Nation to Task

And, yes, we think we're changing your name from "Sloppists" (which, let's face it, never really caught on) to "Solipsist Nation." It works for the Red Sox.

But to the point: We post our blog on the Facebook application "Networked Blogs." Consequently, we receive occasional updates about Networked Blogs happenings. Well, today, someone was bragging about how they now had 50,000 followers on Facebook.


Now, math has never been our strong suit, but we suspect that this is significantly more than 13.

You folks need to start spreading the word. How are we to realize our messianic aspirations with a scant 13 followers? (Sure, Jesus managed with only 12, but we, like the Beatles, are bigger than Jesus!)

(Digression: Consider that out remembrance of John Lennon, murdered 30 years ago today. RIP, John. EOD)

It's not that difficult, though. We just need to start thinking exponentially. If each current member of the Nation recruits a mere five people into the fold, and each of THOSE five recruits another five, we'll hit 50,000 followers in a mere six to seven iterations!

Show that Solipsistic spirit, folks! Get cracking!


  1. It's not quantity, it's quality! Would you trade in a wallet with crisp shiny new $13 for some ratty old paper bag with $50,000 dirty dollars? Of course not!
