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Friday, November 5, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Long Two Years

We've reached the end of another week. In the spirit of the Sabbath (which provides as good an excuse as anything for laziness), we just have a couple of final (?) thoughts on this week's elections.

We wonder how all those anti-healthcare Teabaggers will feel when their heroes fail to overturn this year's healthcare legislation. The chairman and president of "Freedomworks," an Orwellian-named Tea Party umbrella group, have warned the incoming Republican congress that a repeal of the legislation is "non-negotiable" as a baseline accomplishment. Have these folks never heard of a veto? What exactly do these people think will happen? (A) The still-Democratic senate will never pass such a repeal, and, even if they did, (B) Obama would never sign it (well, we imagine he would never sign it--he's let us down before).

At the same time, it will be interesting to see how much actual governing gets done by a Congress whose Senate Majority Leader has said that the primary goal of the Republican Party (YOUR governing party, now, folks) should be to make Obama a one-term president. Admirable goal, that--never mind those pesky citizens whose interests you've supposedly been sent to Washington to represent. Still, we suppose McConnell is to be commended for his honesty. And, of course, if they DO get their wish, they just may be able to repeal healthcare reform, after all.

At which point, we hope those Teabaggers enjoy the benevolence of insurance conglomerates everywhere, who will no doubt reward their citizens' army with exquisite service at perpetually affordable prices.

We're going to start making amends to Canada. We may want to move there someday soon.


  1. Off Side is when the player crosses the blue line before the puck. A Hat Trick is when a player scores 3 goals in a game. As you get closer, we'll explain more of the finer points of hockey.

  2. Those Canadians do love their hockeyball, don't they? Wouldn't it be easier if it weren't on ice? And why don't they just have a smaller net with no goalstopper, like in basketingball?
