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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Unbridaled Literary Excitement

Seen at the bookstore:

The Time-Traveler's Wife

The Mapmaker's Wife

The Italian Tourist's Wife

We can understand why someone might find the time-traveler's wife's story interesting, if only to gain insight into how to deal with the annoyance of arguing with someone who knows how every fight ends. But we can't imagine wanting to read a story about a mapmaker or an Italian tourist--why would we want to read a story about his spouse?

Coming soon:

The Dentist's Wife

The Egret's Wife

The Husband's Wife

OK, we're officially out of ideas.


  1. I HEARD, not for sure mind you, but the skinny on the next new wave of popular books are going to be about "The wives."
    "The Time Travelers Wives." He ends up marrying several women. The pace is a little faster.
    Do you think books are like television shows and movies? Copycats?

  2. Opened off-Broadway last week: "Wife to James Phelan"; sign in Borders Bookstore: "Free Wifi"
