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Friday, September 3, 2010

The Antisocial Network

Maybe it's just end-of-week exhaustion, but we're feeling more solipsistic than usual. We just feel like curling up under a blanket and sleeping the long weekend away.

Are other people as fed up with the profusion of social networking sites as we are? We just heard Apple is launching a music social netorking site through iTunes, called Ping. Far be it from us to question the marketing acumen of Steve Jobs, but was "Ping" the best he could come up with? Aren't people going to get mixed up with Bing? If you like to sing and want to Ping but end up on Bing. . . . It could get a little ying--as in annoy.

Shut up! Come up with your own one-liners if you don't like it!

Seriously, though, Ping. . .. Bing. . . . This keeps up, people are going to think the Chinese are taking over the whole internet. And then Arizona Governor Jan "Opening Statement Meltdown" Brewer will outlaw it! Did you guys catch that train wreck?

Anyway, we're done! We've decided to start a new trend: antisocial networking. Instead of friending people, you can enemy (or arch-rival or nemesis) them. The default setting will be to block everybody. Look for us at hermitbook.com. Or, better yet, don't!

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