Let us b perfektly cleer: Speling dosnt count! Thees days, if u're woried abowt yr speling all u realy need 2 do is run stuff thru a spelchekker! And with Mcrosofts helpfull red underlinnings poppin up evry time it thnks u made a misstake, u'll hav a gud idea of wear ure misstakes r anyway. Rite now, todays entry looks like a viktim of a partikulerly suddistic cereal killr--one hoo gets his thrills from laserating his viktims, woching thm bleeed out, a deth of 1000 cutz!
The unnimportanse of correkt speling cannot b ovurstated.
Fr xmpl, y cn prbbly tll wht ths sntnc sys, vn thgh w'v lft ll th vwls t. Mch f wht cmprss prpr spllng, thrfr, s smwht nncssry!
And wat's realy unfortunat aboot a fixashun on speling is that it distrakts peeple from focuussing on wat realy maters, i.e.e., wat they r aktually riting!
We wuld also like to point out that speling and grammer r 2 diffrent things. In addishun 2 our riting class, we allso teech a class caled "Grammer and Stile." Wen we survay stoodents and aks them wy they have desided to tak this class, we allways here stoodents say that they want to impruve there speling. Wel, gud luk with that! We dont teech it!
Look, u realy want 2 becom a beter speler? Hear's the sekret: Read mor! That, & dont be shy about usin the spelcheker! Remmber: Peeple wer speeking & comunicating cleerly long befor they wer speling! We'll juge yor riting by the content of yor content, not the content of your charakters.
Wow, I just realized that I didn't miss my calling as an English teacher...
ReplyDeleteThat could be taken many different ways. We'll choose to be flattered.